Patch after tick bite, coat renewal
Text: Andrea Šulcová, Photo: pug breeder archive

The castor bean tick, Ixodes ricinus, is an arachnida known to belong to the Ixodidae family. We know it feeds by sucking blood on every living thing it can get to. Although they are also animals, they unfortunately very often carry infectious diseases. Or they can cause an injury that can result in long-term skin inflammation, as was the case with a one-year-old pug.
The first meeting with the breeder was due to the frequent diarrhoea her 8 kg pug suffered from. She tried many drugs and products. There was never any improvement. By the time we met, she was already very desperate.
Based on consultation on what the dog is fed, what supplements it takes, and overall what kind of dog life it leads :), my first choice in this case was Probiovet. She took my recommendation to heart and carefully administered: one capsule twice a day for the first three days. The following days, she administered one capsule in the evening. Probiovet quickly worked and the owner informed me after a week that they were all very relieved. “Mysterious” diarrhoea has disappeared. The whole package of Probiovet was used. I recommended repeating the administration within a year to prevent recurrence of diarrhoea probably caused by intestinal dysbiosis.
”There was not much time before the exhibition. That’s why I chose a combination of three products. They support each other very well and thus not only increase but accelerate their effectiveness.”
Andrea Šulcová, certified energyvet consultant
After six months, the owner approached me again. Her dog has had a large reddish grey patch on his hind leg after the tick bite for three months. The hair was already beginning to disappear in the area of the heavily red skin.

The dog was laboratory tested, no complications from the tick bite were found. Veterinary doctors told the breeder that she had to accept the patch on her dog’s leg.
The pug was already registered for the exhibition and the breeder would like her dog to have a nice coat for this occasion. There wasn’t much time left before the exhibition. That’s why I chose a combination of three products. They support each other very well and thus not only increase but accelerate their effectiveness.
“Regularity, patience and stamina in the application of recommended products is essential for successful regeneration.”
Andrea Šulcová, certified energyvet consultant
I recommended the following combination: GYNEVET 2 drops twice a day before meal + IMUNOVET 2 drops twice a day in food + in the FYTOVET watering bowl. After six days of recommended application, there was an improvement. In the words of the breeder “a tremendous improvement”. The patch was no longer uniform, reddish grey, the texture of the skin began to be visible. Until then, the skin at the patch was not visible at all.
In the case of a pug, where skin inflammation had already developed for three months, there was also the possibility of topical application of Audivet or Imunovet to speed up healing. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1 because the water-diluted Audivet or Imunovet reaches deeper layers of skin.

After another five days, the condition continued to improve. Especially at the lower part of the affected area. There was probably still skin inflammation at the upper part of the patch where the tick was originally attached. Therefore, we carefully continued with the regeneration in the following days.
After two weeks of application of Gynevet + Imunovet + Fytovet combination, the patch virtually disappeared. The coat grew back beautifully. The patch was still a little visible.
There was also the possibility to rub the affected area with a diluted Audivet (1:1). It could speed up the elimination of the rest of the skin inflammation. But in the end, this was unnecessary.
The chosen combination of products after three weeks of use – one week break – one week of use, resulted in a successful regeneration and renewal of the coat.
The pug won a lot of awards in its category. The patch after tick bite no one would recognize today.
The breeder also deserves an award. Regularity, patience and stamina in the application of recommended products is essential for successful regeneration.
Author of the article
Andrea Šulcová, certified energyvet consultant
She graduated from a secondary polygraphic school, she has longterm experience in the field of advertising graphics, she joined Energy Club in Prague 1 in 2011, where she stayed. In 2014, she attended IVET educational seminars. At Energy Club in Prague 1, she has energyvet counseling and presents the veterinary section of Energy products at trade fairs, exhibitions and workshops as a consultant.

Tickvet is a natural veterinary product to repel bloodsucking insects, especially fleas and ticks.
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