Imunovet and healing of open wounds
Text: Dominika Slabá, Foto: archive of author

There are situations where it is not reasonable to put the dog under anesthesia to suture the laceration. Or situations where the veterinary doctor is not readily available (and the injury is not life-threatening injury). Alternatively, situations where suturing cannot be done and healing of the wound is very difficult, such as a bloody wound at the end of the tail. For all these cases, here we have Imunovet, which should be a part of the first aid kit of any pet owner.
This story is about a female dog named Nela. Nelka is very cool, friendly, cheerful and gets along very well with other dogs. But everything changed when she became pregnant.
The hormones changed her behaviour and she began to behave differently than before. She was responding to stimuli that used to leave her at peace. One example was when she decided (a week before giving birth) to fight Gabriela, two years younger and very nimble female dog. The spectacle would also be funny if the females did not decide that it would be a fight “to the death”
We separated them immediately, however, I discovered that Nela had a deep laceration in three places in a row. What made it worse was the location of the wound. Almost in the armpit, where the leg rubs against the chest while walking.
Given the high stage of pregnancy, it didn’t seem reasonable to put Nela under anesthesia to suture the wounds. And I certainly didn’t want to torment her by sewing only with local anesthesia, because I know it would cause her a tremendous amount of stress. I have been working with Imunovet for a long time and I know very well what it can do, so the choice was clear.
Imunovet is a natural antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal product. It is absolutely number one in wound healing. Wounds do not get wet or suppurate after its application. It pulls the edges of the wound together very quickly. It activates haematopoiesis and supports cellular immunity. Thanks to this product, wounds heal literally before your eyes.
“Thanks to Imunovet, wounds heal literally before your eyes.”
Dominika Lisbeth Slabá

It pays to always have it with you. One morning on the day of an exhibition in Austria, I found out that my dog was limping because his paw pad had burst. It was only thanks to Imunovet that we ran it beautifully together to the final.
I rubbed Artrin cream, which is a great analgesic, on Nela’s wound.
It reduces swelling, increases blood circulation in tissues, is antiinflammatory and does not allow Imunovet to stick hair in the wound
so that it starts to suppurate.
I cleaned the wounds with Cytovet mixed with water. It acted as a disinfectant. It removed any bacteria and other debris from the wounds.
On Day 1, there was a large swelling at the site of the injury with slightly oozing fluid mixed with blood. Nela didn’t put any strain on her leg. By morning, the swelling had reduced by almost threequarters. Nela was able to jump off the bed on her own and even though she was limping, she walked out on her own.
The next day the swelling continued to reduce and mild wound suppuration occurred. We cleaned the pus with Cytovet and the healing process continued. The edges of two smaller holes of the three were completely pulled together, and only a slight redness was visible in their area, without the presence of pus.
On Day 3, only the third, largest and deepest hole in the leg remained open, however its size was reduced by almost half by healing. The swelling was mild. Nela herself wanted to go out, where she spent half a day wandering around the garden with no signs of pain.
On Day 4, the hole was still open, however, the swelling had completely disappeared as well as limping. The whole time Nela had no fever, she was cheerful from the second day and she did not lose her appetite at all.
I always carry Imunovet in my purse. I can’t count how many times it has saved me, my dogs or the dogs of my fellow cynologists. I can’t imagine manage the breeding station without it.

It is of natural composition, therefore the dog can lick it.
Author of the article
Dominika Lisbeth Slabá
Owner of Lisbeth’s raptors breeding station, nutritionist for dogs, natural medicine for animals, founder of

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