Therapeutic methods in animals

Touches that bring relief


When I first applied a butterfly massage to an animal, I believed in its power. Not by chance did I find myself on Jitka Třešňáková’s course. The circumstances of my participation were a bit hectic, and I sent my application literally a few days before the start of the course. Deep in my heart I felt that I had to open this door. That my inquiring soul, which cherishes life itself, would soak up information like a sponge. I read everything I could about the metamorphic technique, but everywhere I looked, I could only find information and reviews about how it worked on people. Still, I felt very intensely that I would work my way to discovering what I needed to know. My clients are animals, and hand in hand with my clients come their owners. Over years of practice, I have seen how animals often mirror their owners’ illnesses. The largest proportion of my young patients are made up of dogs. Dogs rescued from puppy mills, dogs that have never known distress and were born in kennels, and with owners who love them and treat them excellently. Dogs found abandoned, puppies and dogs with or without a past. There are no coincidences, and often a dog’s path is already predetermined. Even the path of a puppy. Animals choose their owners long before the person knows that the animal will become part of their life. Every animal has a task. It’s not complicated, and yet it’s so important.

Dogs volunteer to adopt and make their own the energies and energy blocks we have. They tune into our wave of being and often, without us realizing it, communicate with us by thought alone. I’m sure you know. You think it’s time to take your dog out for a walk, and what do you know: they’re already at the door. They perceive our energies and identify with them. I see a dog’s psychosomatic ties to its owners quite often in my clients. Often the way to an animal leads through its owner, and vice versa. That’s why I was looking for a gentle harmonization technique that would unburden the animal and their owner at the same time. The metamorphic technique works on the principle of the full potential of being. The full potential of being is when we feel in our core firmly anchored, with respect to ourselves and our needs. When the most important thing we perceive is our being alive, which makes us happy, and also people and animals around us, it’s a state of awareness that says I AM. People often find it a daunting task to reach their full potential of being. Animals strive to be in their full potential of being every day. If the bond between the owner and the animal is strong, they will merge into one energy field and information is exchanged. Because animals like to, and quite voluntarily will, take on many of the energy blocks that exist in our organs, it can happen that an animal itself will get sick, even though you might take care of it as you do yourself, often even better. So, applying metamorphic techniques to an animal often relieves its owner and vice versa.

„Let us walk beside our animal friends as partners. Let us respect their souls, because they are the best gift nature has given us. With appreciation, love, and respect for life itself.“
Katarina Bestr

The task of animals
The task of animals is to accompany us on our journey, to make us happy being alive, and to teach us simply to be here and now, living in the present, and full of potential.

An example from my practice

I got a call from the owner of a Yorkshire terrier puppy named Lilly, saying that when she leaves the house for work, Lilly gets restless and often cries, and although her partner, who works from home, is present in the apartment, the puppy will loudly whine at the door all day for its owner. I recommended giving Virovet, with some Etovet, to little Lilly. The owner subsequently wanted to schedule her puppy for some metamorphic techniques, because, according to the breeder from whom she’d bought the puppy, everything had been perfectly fine – the kennel and breeding conditions were well known to the owner. But before we found a suitable date, I suddenly had an idea and I asked: And how are you? The owner burst into tears and began to sob so pitifully that my follow-up question, which was going to be “How do you tolerate being separated from your dog?”, was entirely redundant.

The owner, without being asked, suddenly described her own childhood trauma, where every separation from her mother, even for a few hours, was incredibly stressful for her. She would cry for hours at the door in kindergarten, and then at her grandmother’s, because the mother of the owner was a single parent... There was no need for any more words. I treated the owner repeatedly with the metamorphic technique in the presence of her puppy. The repeated application of butterfly massages helped the owner overcome the deep-hidden trauma of separation which she had previously believed was long behind her. And the effect was beautifully mirrored in the little dog Lilly. After the first application of the metamorphic technique to the owner, Lilly calmed down so much that the next day, when the owner left for work, the puppy waited contentedly at home without a whimper. However, I still prescribed the combination of Virovet and Etovet for Lilly because I saw that giving her the preparations would top off her treatment nicely. I see these moments of connection between an owner and their animal as sacred in their perfection. In my heart I feel a deep respect for the process itself, and with humility and love in my soul, I thank the universe for the opportunity to contribute my ordinary being to life itself.

The opposite example is when a person wants to control full potential. I honor the life journey of every single person. But I would like to explain in what sense, even unconsciously, we are participating. Or interfering? The full potential in animals and every human begins with conception itself. Conception, in terms of energy, is in my opinion a very sacred event where the big bang happens. Full potential for conception in animals happens through the selection of a suitable counterpart, male and female, who have genetic material suitable for the survival of the species. The Big Bang (desire to mate) happens in animals in the intimacy of two individuals who instinctively perceive that they are mutually suited for the survival of their species. If the genetic material is not ‘energetically’ suitable and strong for the survival of the species, the connection will not produce young. If there is a weak individual in the litter, the mother either kills it or abandons it, knowing intuitively that the individual offspring is weak and lifeless, or suffers from a disease that would threaten it in the future, and thus she instinctively neutralizes it. The actual mating, childbirth, and subsequent raising of the young takes place all the time in nature, and without outside intervention. This is how nature works, knowing what it is doing, because like animals it is highly intelligent and wise. From the point of view of breeding, of course I understand that breeders try to improve the breed or heal the stock. But I would like to shed light on how we often unwittingly cause diseases to our own offspring simply because we don’t think about or perhaps even know how the full potential of being works. The selection of animals suitable for mating will occur by human decision, and if there is no spark between male and female, we humans can arrange it so that the connection occurs – either by helping both animals physically (holding them) or by insemination. Puppies are sometimes born by caesarean section. We separate the mother from the puppies so that she does not overwhelm them, and we pipette feed even weak puppies so they survive. We interfere in the selection of mates, participate in mating, and separate mother from puppies. We try to manipulate everything. From the breeders’ point of view, I understand this behavior, and I don’t blame anyone. Later in their lives, various diseases can occur in the selected generation of animals that drive us to search in vain the results of the parents’ genetic tests. We ask ourselves, didn’t we chose individual parents so carefully to cover every contingency? Often the etiology of a disease in animals is unclear, and we are left shaking our heads, eyes brimming with tears. And yet, even in these cases, things can be corrected and the side effects of our actions prevented.

Whatever you have “got wrong”, you can also correct. If we are breeding animals and, for whatever reason, are forced to use insemination, we specifically choose a mate for the female because we want a litter of a specific color that is almost no longer present, and we can harmonize the pregnant female using the metamorphic technique without harming the fetus. The metamorphic technique can be used to treat both small babies born by caesarean section and puppies that were also born the same way, or puppies whose birth was very difficult and required short resuscitation, difficult births or stressed mothers – all these are energy blocks that are stored in the basic matrix of every living creature. These matrices are subsequently deposited in the root nerves along the spine as the infant develops. Therefore, all information can be read from the spine of each individual. In humans, in the reflex zones of the spine and on the feet, hands and head, and in animals directly on the spine. We can harmonize these energy blocks so much that we start the body’s self-healing process and the energy block dissipates, or stops endangering the health of our animal, and the animal is free to live a full and dignified life. The metamorphic technique can be applied to all animals, pregnant females, and all litters, and especially to sick animals.

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